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CorporateData center

Data center

Service information, benefit, conditions

Geographical data center

For the first time in Mongolia, Mobicom Corporation has successfully commissioned and  maintaining a Geographic Resource Data Center that meets the international standards for maintaining the security of the lifeblood of an organization or information and provided it with power, network, control, security, and cooling system in accordance with TIA-942 and Tier III standards as  a server room solutions. From the moment of entering the market, an organization is faced with the task of ensuring the uninterrupted and reliable operation of the organization's information storage and security and technological processes.

These factors are an integral part of an organization's business operations, and the more risk-free, reliable, and consistent the information, the better your business will be protected from risk. In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, the world's largest banks, firms, and companies changed their information security policies to place their data at a geographically remote secondary data center established in 160 to 1,600 km from the primary data center. Apple and Google have set up backup data centers in local areas, while Microsoft has set up geographic backup data centers in Chicago. In this way, each international standard organization can establish a geographic data center or cooperate with high-level data centers that meet international standards and store information in a secure location. The Geographic Resource Data Center established in Darkhan, which is located in 226 km from Ulaanbaatar and has the lowest seismic activity.

The data center solution was unique in the following ways:

Power supply "system + system" (2N) scheme

Water cooling system with indirect Free-cooling technology

A solution that separates cold and hot airflow

If you would like to work with the only international standard Geographic Resource Data Center in Mongolia, please contact